Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here goes...

HTML? Yikes! That scares me. What have I gotten myself into?

Does spelling count? I hope not. Perhaps this will help me with my writers block. Perhaps after I'm done this, I'll finish those term papers that are overdue by two months. Snicker snicker - anyone who knows me - knows that this is not going to happen.

How did I come to lead such a life of privilege?
How did I get to be so lucky? (Cue Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime)

I'm 32 and it's looks as though things are progressing as well as could be expected.

My sister is in Ottawa, and other distanced family hover in the peripheral. So I will be leaving the West Coast and trying another province on for size.

Remember the episode when Conch moved to Calgary? Yeah - great going away party... I think I have an idea what my memorial service will be... (with the exception of the hotel room behaviour...)
Why my most bestest good friends live in Alberta is nothing short of a mystery.

Tonya the entomologist.
Lindsay the new wife.
Dan the family man.

What the hell are ya'll doing in that shit town?


I have island fever. I know I must be crazy because I'm looking forward to crossing the country and trying Ontario out for a couple of years.

Ha ha ha ha ha. Years.

Let's be realistic. I've haven't lived anywhere for YEARS. Months - maybe.
Some places a year and some months... but nowhere have I been for a time period long enough to get to know my neighbours.

This isn't to say I'm not friendly or social. I'm not a shut in. I consider myself somewhat social. What social looks like might have changed since my 'drinking a pitcher of beer through a straw' daze, and ... well... I can't help it... I'm 32.

I'm going to Ottawa to be with my sister, her 3 year old Malynda and the unborn result of hormones, emotions and ejaculate.

Ontario, according to Google maps, looks to be big - Lake Superior big. What is it about Ontario?
Every other person I talk to is from Ontario. How have I lived this long without truly experiencing the epicenter of our vast country?!

Anyways, that's 6 weeks and even more term papers away from now.
Will I make it?
If I blog it will it come?
Is that why folks blog? personal reinforcement? Therapeutic release? Self preservation? Was my diary ever really that secret? Didn't I always know that someone would eventually read it? Like that boarder guard coming back from a bender weekend in Seattle? She could not put my journal down (It only became awkward when I saw that she was getting to the part about Jason and his horrible love-making. It's O.K. sensitive members of my audience... he knows already).

I think I just had my AH HA! moment. I'm learning how this blog works and I think I like it. I can vent just about anything I want. More of that privilege. More of that entitlement.

Well... tomorrow morning I am going to try to get to class on time. I've been late for every Psychological Explanations Criminal and Deviant Behavior class so far this term. It's so embarrassing.

Later in the day, I'll have the pleasure of being a part of an all female population for my Issues in Canadian Women's Health class. I really wish there were some boys to flirt with in class. That'd be fun when we start talking about breast tenderness and the disconnect imposed on young women and menarche perpetuated by those who prefer landfill production and medical money making professions. Sigh... I love this class... and ... I'm just saying... a few men taking up some seats in the room couldn't hurt is all.

Wow - it's just pouring out of me. It' s way passed my 32 year old, college class in the morning, bedtime.

Shouldn't I be at a kegger or an orgy right now? What would John Belushi do?

It's Tuesday morning.

Can't wait to see what happens witht he rest of it.

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